Chapter 40 - Gabriella (3)

It's seven in the evening and we only have an hour left until we have to go home. Our flight to New York is at five in the morning tomorrow. All my bags are packed, but we need to get some sleep tonight or we'll be walking like zombies because of exhaustion tomorrow.

I'm sipping my champagne when Mariano suddenly pulls me to his side by the waist, and in the next second, a server tumbles down a few feet away from where I've been standing just now. My heart races as I watch glasses crash onto the floor followed by gasps of shock from the nearby tables. Some shards slide toward my feet, but not close enough to reach me. It would've been a different story had Mariano not pulled me away.

I don't know what happened, but it looks like a total accident, turning the server's face red. The manager comes over while the server begins to clear up the mess and shards of glasses and speaks to him in a hushed tone, and then more staff comes to help.