Chapter 101 - Gabriella (2)

"Actually, no, I can't wait. We have to see it now." I literally cannot wait, I feel like I'll throw up all over my shoes if I don't show it to him right now. He studies me carefully as if wanting to read what this is all about but I school my expression so I don't give away anything and pout, hoping he'll find me cute and relent. "Please?"

Mariano sighs, his other arm relaxing as he smiles gently. "Okay. Lead the way."

I squeal excitedly, hook my arm in his, and pull him with me to the center of the restaurant where the staff kindly arranged the tables to the side to make space for us.

"When did they rearrange this? I swear it wasn't like this when I walked in." His brows are raised. 

I ignore his question as I smile up at him and position him where I want him—with his back to the wall. "Dance with me?" 

His brows draw together in confusion. "I thought you wanted to show me something?"