The Noose

The chilling night passed and the sun shone at dawn, encompassing the tightly set hideout filled with hundreds of makeshift tents, cabins, and huts that housed close to two thousand people.

This settlement of vampires was a well-managed territory and orderly on the front but like all the civilizations under the sun, had its fair share of problems.

From what Vlad found after stealing some clothes and disguising himself as one of the inhabitants…

The biggest issue at hand was that everyone was living on rationed resources that were monitored by the forces of the rebellion group.

"They are free of the kingdom but slaves of the rebellion.

In the end, they choose who they will be in servitude of." he spoke to himself in a stern voice.

Yet, he also acknowledged the reality that whether these people sided with the forces of the kingdom or chose the rebellion leader… their situation would still be the same that he had seen in the stronghold.