Asking For Her Debit Card

I just finished eating my food, and to be honest, it is very tasty. It's as if Misty dedicated all her heart while preparing it. 

I close the now empty dish and get up after cleaning my hands…

'Mmm, I'm all set huh?' I mutter as I get up on my feet. 

Suddenly, a thought pops into my head and I look at my hands and ears, but I can't see any of my beast gears.

What the fuck?! Where did they go?!

{Oh, I forgot to tell you… but they got destroyed when your sister and mum clashed….}

Wait, you mean my beast gears disintegrated… But why?

{Have you forgotten? That big ass girl has a lethal ability. So the basic-tier gears couldn't withstand her power when she tried to stop those two from fighting.}

Sigh… now I remember that her blood power is very lethal, plus she has a complicated esper ability.

{What type of ability is that?}


{Oh, that's one rare ability… it's one of the most annoying abilities. In fact, it's a god-slaying ability.}

What do you mean by that?