Arena 05

Back in the reception hall, many gamblers are staring and speculating about a particular match which is being displayed on the holographic screen above them, with their mouths hanging open.

"What the actual fuck! Did that five-star loser just clear four arenas like it's nothing!?"

"Damn, that's insane…. He's not even moving an inch! I'm definitely gonna bet on his next match!"

"Let's calm down guys, he's still the loser that he is…."

"What the heck, bro… watch me while I make enough money to fuck the proud babes of Aldabra."

"Yeah, those pompous beastkins… fuck it, I'll also bet on his match. I hope I don't end up on the streets again after this match though!"

"All of you are talking about betting on him. Have you seen that type of ability before? What is that red thing surrounding him? He just makes random stuff from that red ball."