A Dhampir...

Inside a white spacious office, a strangely dressed woman can be seen seated on a chair. She's wearing a long, brown, skin tight gown that shows off all her curves. This woman is tremendously beautiful with her elongated fluffy ears that are set on an extremely beautiful tan face. Sticking out of her butt is also a short, cute, furry tail that is perfectly coiled and hanging out of a hole in her gown. 

Seated opposite her, is also another incredibly beautiful woman with pale skin. This woman has one green eye and one red eye which gives her a unique and distinct look.

*Silent ensues*

"Misty, s-so you mean you are getting married to your brother?" The woman with fluffy ears asks with an extremely red face. 

"Yes Vera, Jake and I are going to get married. Not only that but he's also going to marry Aurora…" Misty also replies with a red face (she just drank some blood).