Mr. Bon.....

This person also has a little scowl on his face. However, the scowl isn't directed at me, but at my mom. The reason for this is that, just like how I don't find a werewolve's scent disgusting, they also don't find my scent repulsive.

This phenomenon has always baffled many werewolves, especially the females, and some even went as far as to ask me out. However, I always turned them down because I didn't want to cheat on Zella while we were still dating.

"Mr. Bon…." I let out a surprised voice.

The person that's currently in front of me is Mr. Bon Rex, the strict teacher who has been teaching at Springfield high school for over 120 years. It was also rumored that he is still *cough*... a virgin. 

Furthermore, he was also the dumbo who was asking Anne out in her office yesterday.

But what the hell is he doing here? This is so confusing.

{Me too, I don't understand what is going on… But I think I have an idea.}