Vampire vs Balor

Note: As I said in the previous chapter, there will be a skip in the duel because it doesn't have any significance to the plot. It was only written to introduce some characters, but we might have an in-depth look at the duel in the future. 


Right now, I am sitting down on one of the many chairs in our domain. Many fights have occurred and they were pretty interesting. Each team presented two of its strongest disciples as contestants to participate in the duel. And currently, all of them have been eliminated, leaving only me from team black and another guy from team red.

Suddenly, a burst of light erupts from the arena ground, right before everyone's eyes.


Behemoth's weekly duel

[Week 15]


Team Blue (eliminated)

Team Pink  (eliminated)

Team Yellow (eliminated)

Team White (eliminated)

Team Brown (eliminated)

Team Green (eliminated)

Team Purple (eliminated)

Team Orange (eliminated)

Team Black (finalist)