Confronting Alphonso

"We need to talk..."


"I told you not to show off your blood power during the match, but you ended up using it. Furthermore, you didn't stop there, instead you went ahead to turn on your charm and forced everyone to kneel! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Alphonso bellows.

"I'm sorry, master. But I didn't mean to force anyone on their knees, my only target was Stephen. And as for my blood power-  I had to use it because I couldn't afford to lose that match. 

"All my life, I've always been a loser in every duel in this dojo. I've lost countless matches and it has always felt like a stake through the heart for me. So finally, I got the power to change my destiny, win every single match, bully every single person who bullied me in the past, and show off in front of those who had always ridiculed me as well. So please tell me master, if you had been in my shoes, wouldn't you show off more than the way I did?" I ask, with my brow slightly raised.
