Wedding Day! [part 3]

What the actual fuck?! What is Berg doing here?! And also, the first voice was Tony's Voice!!

I exclaim in shock.

I look at my now erect cock which is akin to that of a horse's dong. Then I think about it shrinking in my mind.

Subsequently, my cock starts shrinking and getting smaller till it eventually becomes flaccid.

Picking up my pace, I hastily wear my pants and sprint towards the door.




A light brown thing suddenly hits me directly on my face and smashes upon impact, smearing a yellowish liquid on my face.

"Pffft Hahahahahaha!!" Many loud voices suddenly erupt into laughter, while the door of the room opens wide, allowing all these people to enter. (I can't see them all because of this damned thing on my face.)

"Woah~! Your mom's super-rich." A voice says in surprise. (Probably Tony's voice.)

"Tony, I swear I'll fucking kick your ass. What the hell did you throw on my face?" I ask as I wipe off the sticky substance.