
When the nine steps-blood sisters and I get to the door, a very bright translucent light flashes from within and envelops us as we enter.

Blinking back the brightness a few times, I look around and notice that I'm in another unfamiliar large bedroom that's surrounded by glass walls, and I can see everything that's below us and surrounding us through the glass, but mostly I can see our guests. 


I suddenly hear a familiar voice, causing me to tilt my head to the source of the sound.

"A-Aurora~ M-Misty~"

I let out a voice of surprise as I see my beloved wives-to-be sitting down on a very large bed, at the center of the room. By the side of the room, there is also another person who's wearing a black jumpsuit with a waist-length black wig, coupled with a pointed conical hat, with a large, round rim, on her head. Above her head is also a levitating cat that's clouded in mist. It is probably her familiar.