Two Battle Maniacs...

Several kilometers on the same planet Kleppton, a boy can be seen picking up stones and throwing them at many beasts in his front as fast as possible.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Each of these stones is packed with explosive power killing many intermediate-rank beasts effortlessly. These intermediate rank beasts are black large spiders standing about 1 meter each with their ferocious jagged teeth. Their exoskeleton body is also very sturdy, making any types of normal weapons unable to harm them. Apart from their sturdy body, they are extremely agile and are also able to shoot out white tiny webs which are stronger than they look. Ten average men won't even be able to break a single line of this web.

However,  this little vampire has been able to kill all these beasts effortlessly with the sturdy stones he picked up from the ground. 



The last remaining spider let out a loud cry as the stone smashes part of its head off before finally falling dead on its back.