Jake and His Maid

"Master, I have been waiting for you for a while now." Stella says in a low voice while looking at me with sparkling eyes. 

"I am sorry for taking so long, Stella." I give a reply while I start to take off my clothes, leaving me in only my underwear. 

After undressing, I climb onto the bed and lay down. Following suit, Stella also climbs onto the bed. However,  instead of laying down, she sits upright in front of me in the seiza posture. 

"Uhhh...uhm Stella, how was your day?"

"It was fine, master."

"I see... I hope no one was hostile to you."

"Not really, master, Everyone introduced themselves to me and they all seemed nice, especially your mother. Also, that aunt with the big ass and the one that is called your sister are also nice. I can't really say about the others though, since they are still unconscious. Also you went out with the tiny one, so..." Stella explains.