Breakfast and News [part 1]

Clank. Clank. Clank. Clank.

The sound of several spoons hitting the plates ensue as everyone silently eats their breakfast. 

Right now, I am sitting around a dining table inside a massive dining room. Around this round dining table, all my women are seated here, eating their respective types of food. 

I am currently eating a blood steak prepared with elves' blood. Elves' blood is almost the same as human blood with only a slight difference in taste. It is a little bland in taste compared to human blood. Since we arrived at the elves' planet, we have been constantly supplied with blood from the blood bank of several hospitals. Although, we don't drink quite a lot of blood since my mom's a vampire lord that can live on for a year without blood, while Misty and Aurora can also live up to two months without blood as long as they don't use their blood aura.