Jealous Misty


A tingling sensation engulfs me the moment I step into the teleporter. This is the feeling of travelling through a teleporter. The sensation is as if billions of microscopic insects are crawling on my skin.


In the next moment, another teleporter ejects me like trash. This teleporter is none other than the one in the human world, earth. 

"Aargh~" Letting out a groan, I get up from the floor and look up to see Stella and the others running towards me.

"Are you okay, master?" Stella asks with worry etched onto her face, as she helps me to get up.

"Fufufu... I like the way you fell. We also fell like that." Misty giggles and mocks me.

"Ugh. Do you have any idea why the teleporter is like this, Stella?" I ask curiously.  

We are in a warp station in District (A) earth. Many people are also using teleporters here, especially the free brutal ones.