Visiting Lilith

Right now, I am in front of Mrs. Kremer's apartment, knocking on the door gently. I keep knocking for a very long time but no one answers the door even after knocking very hard.

Mmm, what is going on? Is she not at home? Or wait, does she think that it is those people? Have things gotten worse in my absence?

Suddenly, I start knocking on the door again, but this time, I also start to talk.

"Lilith, open the door, it's me, Jake." I say with a small knock and continue this process. A few moments later, I start to feel a presence walking towards the door and stop behind it, as if checking me through the peephole.

With a clicking sound, the door of Mrs. Kremer's apartment opens wide and I can see her figure standing right in front of me. 

"Jake, is this really you?" She says in a small voice as if surprised. 

"Yeah, it's me, Mrs. Kremer." I say with a small sigh.

Or do I have to bring out my dick as confirmation before she knows it's me?