Chapter 202

I took the club and dagger from my inventory and armed myself with them, so that I would look like a hoodlum. And oh, I forgot to mention the fact that the clothes on my body right now are black pants and a white singlet, the perfect look for a hoodlum. However, there's still one problem, which is my face.

I'm too handsome for a hoodlum. Ruffling my hair a lot, I make it very rough.

Once done, I gently grab the doorknob to their room and slowly turn it. However, I suddenly realize that the door has been locked from behind. 

Forcing it a little, the door knob snaps but the door opens anyway. Mr. and Mrs. Graham are asleep with a blanket covering their bodies. 

Seems they made things easier…

Walking forward, I raise the blanket away from their body and see that they are stark naked without any stitch of clothing on them. Apart from this, it seems that they had sex before they slept. 

I hate to do this. It would have been nice if she could wash up, but I have no choice.