Chapter 205

Right now, I'm on my way back home, driving. A date has been picked for me and Blair's wedding which is five days from now. Apart from that, I also had a little chat with Tony. 

Tony and Zach have joined a small faction whose job is to hunt down the remaining lingering zombies and mutants. It will be only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out from the surface of the earth. Although, it may sound weird that they are getting rid of the mutants and zombies effortlessly just like that. There's a reason behind it…

The reason is that Edgar Frost has finally created a gas that can heal anyone that was bitten by a zombie or mutant in less than a month. The Zombies and Mutant population kept getting larger because they kept infecting people. But now, that isn't the case anymore as people even carry this gas with them wherever they're going. So, the population of zombies and mutants is reducing drastically.