The Spider Queen's Power


A loud sound goes off as Zamira's aura keeps getting stronger. The space around her is distorting due to the energy she and the demigod beast are emitting. 


The cave starts vibrating as the two clash. The spider queen is currently covered in a very thick material that's made from her cobwebs. This isn't any ordinary co web though, as it's shining brightly, forming a sort of armor around her body and abdomen. All of Zamira's blood slashes aren't affecting her as the web keeps deflecting the attacks.

"I'm not an ordinary demigod beast, don't underestimate me!!" The beast bellows as several thick cobwebs shoot out of her numerous eyes and fly towards Zamira who is slashing all the thick cobwebs being shot at her. Each of these rope webs are strong enough to give a vampire lord a tough time, yet Zamira is slashing them like they are simply a thread.