Appearance Of A god

"I don't say that you can reach my dad's stage. I say that you can only become a god slayer like him. According to what Alphonso informs me, my father was the foremost warlock before you.

However, the originals were warlocks from the very beginning, and their powers exceeded those of a typical warlock in this era. Hence, we can't classify them as warlocks, as their evolution was incomparable. I, on the other hand, am an enigma, my evolution defying explanation. I remain oblivious to my true nature, purpose, or the reason behind my creation by the universe. These mysteries consume me, and I yearn for answers," I mutter, gazing out of the window.

Suddenly, the car comes to a complete halt.

"We have reached our destination," announces a computerized voice, yet none of us make a move to exit the vehicle.

"Regarding the god slayers... Can you enlighten me further? Are you yourself a god slayer?" Zamira inquires with fervent curiosity.