Vampire Lord Stage

"Arrrgh!!! Just one more!" I grit my teeth, enduring the excruciating pain that overwhelms me now. My body glows bright crimson, as if it's about to explode.

Suddenly, my body starts breaking down from head to toe, turning into a jelly-like substance. The previous pain I felt seems like child's play compared to what I'm experiencing now.

The pain becomes unbearable, reaching a point where I grow numb to it. Abruptly, my body begins morphing and reconstructing itself, returning to what it once was. This time, I can feel my bones growing denser as the transformation takes place.

Ah, man... Natural evolution is way better. But hey, I needed to advance to the vampire lord stage.

After some time, my transformation is finally complete.

Getting up, I walk towards a mirror in the room, examining myself from top to bottom.