The Showdown [part 1]

After killing all the vampires, ethereal specks of particles rise in the air before disappearing. Roth had just single-handedly killed two families.

"How many participants remaining?" Roth asks as he turns around, facing four vampires standing in the far distance behind him while he did his onslaught.

Hearing his words, the vampires dash towards him in a flash.

"8-80 participants remaining," One of the Vampires holding a round gadget says, weary of Roth's presence.

Seeing them act like this, Roth lets out a sigh.

"You guys should stop acting like this. This is just a game, we were meant to have fun. I wouldn't kill my fellow vampire like that in the real world," Roth says with a smile, tapping the vampire's shoulder.

'Game my ass. We can still feel the sensation of pain inside this game. That expression...' The vampire thinks inwardly, gritting his teeth.

Suddenly, he spots a red dot in the sky.