Results Announcement

I can't help but chuckle at Arthur's description of Roth. "Yeah, he has a habit of getting into fights wherever he goes," I say, giving Roth a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Hey, watch it!" Roth grumbles, but a hint of a smile appears on his face.

In the next moment, Roth takes a seat beside me and Arthur, and I can't help but feel a sense of relief that the tension seems to have dissipated somewhat.

"Roth, when are you going to stop walking half-naked?" I ask with a sigh, shooting a playful grin his way.

"Well, the armor was itchy, so, I decided to throw it away. Well, this guy was also not wearing a shirt!" Roth says, pointing at Arthur.

"Come on, my armor and undershirt disintegrated when I used Excalibur~" Arthur explains in a calm voice, trying to diffuse any awkwardness.

"Ahh..." Roth mutters in a low voice, slightly embarrassed by his previous comment.