Sword Waifu [part 2]

Hearing Arthur's words, I let out a smile, knowing that Excalibur's silence means she's displeased with my absence. In the next moment, a dull-looking red, rusted sword appears in Arthur's hand. With a wave of his hand, he tells the butler to excuse us, giving us some privacy.

"As you can see, Excalibur isn't happy in the slightest," Arthur says as he slowly walks towards me, Excalibur still in his hand.

"I see... She must be mad at me for abandoning her for such a long time," I reply with a weary smile, as fragments of my memories from my past life start to resurface. Excalibur, a spirit weapon that was created alongside me. Excalibur was more than just a weapon; she was my confidant, my companion, and, dare I say, my first love.

Sounds crazy right?

Arthur stops in front of me and gives me the somewhat large red sword before moving back, giving us some distance.