Guida's Obsession

"How was it?" Arthur asks as I approach him.

"Well, nothing much. I met with the prime minister, and he insisted that I'll have to fight the three strongest Celestial Monkeys," I reply nonchalantly, shrugging.

"That sly bastard!" Arthur exclaims, his fists clenching in anger.

"You know him?" I ask, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, I know him. He came to the temple to assess me when I went to pick Excalibur last year," Arthur explains.

"Anything happen between you two?" I inquire curiously.

"Nothing between us, but he had the same nasty look as the kid we saw earlier today," Arthur answers, still visibly irked.

"It's fine, let's get going," I say, patting Arthur's tense hand.

Looking down at a nearby chair, I spot Stella sound asleep, snoring lightly with a small drool puddle forming at the corner of her mouth.


Stretching my arms out, I scoop her up and place her gently on my back.