Reyes Death

What's happening in Gleloomess right now is nothing short of havoc and devastation. Everyone can be seen running around in horror. Mothers and fathers are getting killed right in front of their children, and parents are seeing their children die before their very eyes.

Several hundred guards start protecting the city, but they don't last a few minutes in front of the vampires that are equipped with high-end armor and weapons, not to mention their evolution stage that's far above that of the guards.

Blood flows in the city of Gleloomess, and the once-thriving place is now nothing other than a horror scene as blood flows like a river. The eyes of the guards can be seen filled with regret and anger as they failed to protect the city and at least give their families their last goodbyes.

Meanwhile, in the Freeman family, Roth can be seen sitting in front of a particular person... his father.