Assistance Arrived

I look at the blade pressing against my neck, surprise appearing on my face. Knowing that the blades in their hand can't really hurt me since they are emperor-tier, I don't think much about it. Moreover, if they try to do anything funny, I can end their lives easily anyway.

However, one thing is bothering me right now. When did the Sanguine family have a lot of soldiers with high evolution stages, plus, high-tier weapons and gears?

Furthermore, the aura exuding from them feels a bit strange

"Do you have any idea who you are pointing blades at?" I ask the soldiers with a perplexed expression.

"We don't give a fuck. We were only instructed to bring you when--"


With a flick of my finger, a super tiny thread made of vampire aura erupts from my fingertip, slicing the heads of the vampire lord with great force so that blood doesn't spill from the severed necks for some seconds.