" You fvcking idiot . "

She screamed as the two ran out of the collapsing cave . Falling to the ground , she watched the big boulders hit the surface , dust rising in the air as she heard Niall coughing behind her , his arms still wrapped around the book .

That book was the main reason they were in this situation . She despised it with every fibre in her body .

Unlike Niall , she had a will to live .

Each time they decided to do anything related with the book , they ended up with situations that almost lead them straight to heaven , example : their current situation .

" That was crazy ! " Niall exclaimed , his excitement peaking as he patted the dust off his fluffy hair .

" You are crazy . " She countered as she got up from the ground still covered in dust . Looking back , she noticed the small stones that rolled down the hill . They could have gotten crushed underneath that or worse , stuck behind them with no way of escape .

Even if that hadn't happened , if one of the big boulders rolled down the hill, it could have hurt someone else . They could have gone to jail , who knows , they most probably are going to after what they had just did .

" We could have died Niall ! " She spoke gazing back at him as she pat the dust of her shoulders .

" But we didn't . " He spoke , smiling , his bunny teeth projecting out .

" You know what , I am not going to come with you anywhere from now on . You told me we were going to go fishing , not magical stone hunting . " She started , fury bubbling in her .

" Come on Elise . You liked it . " He spoke walking towards her , his shoe getting imprinted on the ground .

Elise couldn't help but sigh as she looked down at the ground . It was true , a part of her liked it , but it also almost lead them to their death.

" Why do you need me to come with you for all of this. I just want to sleep . " She spoke her gaze still lingering on the ground .

" You know you are the only one I could trust. "

" But we can't keep doing this , it's the fourth time this month . " She continued , trying to knock some sense into his brain .

" Fine . I won't call you for anything from now on . " He spoke , pouting as he turned around walking away from her .

" I did not mean it like that . " She spoke as she jogged towards him , slightly wincing at her bag's weight .

" I meant as in , I need us to be alive . You know , grow old and stuff , not die at fifteen in a cave where we would have to rot to death . "

" I know , but ..... " The boy started , he did not know what else to say .

" You know what , leave it . We will get ice creams , go to sleep and pray we don't go to an early grave . " She spoke , hugging Niall .

" Okay . " He spoke , smiling again as he hugged her back .

Walking off the hill , she couldn't help but glance at the book he held . Something about it attracted her , shaking her gaze of it she sighed .

She needed to be angry and dissapointed yet here she was , sighing as she forgived .

It all started on a Monday morning , when Mr. Bunny teeth decided to go bird watching .

However instead with pics or stories about birds , he came back with this book .

Elise was at her room , eating , when he had barged in with it .

Her mother had let him in , but hey , it wasn't her fault , Niall and Elise had been friends for a long time , and she knew him very well . She almost saw him as her own son .

Besides how could she know her daughter was busy eating snacks she had stolen from the kitchen .

" Guess what I found . " He spoke , flashing the book in front of her . Petrichor flooding her nose .

" Where did you get it from ? " She asked . Elise loved books . She could read them for hours . Her room was filled with books .

There were books on the bed , books on her desk , books on her chair , books on her shelf . There were books everywhere .

She was so obsessed with them , she was ready to kill and honestly speaking she was tiresome to be with most of the time , especially if she was around with literally anyone when there was a book sale happening around , but Niall didn't seem to mind .

" It was lying on the ground while I was searching for birds . " He spoke , plopping onto her bed as he moved the book closer to Elise so that she could take a better look at it .

The book had an earthly brown shade . Keeping her plate away , she took the book in her hands , observing it . There was little to no mud on it .

' That's strange . ' She noted .

" This is just full of maps . " She spoke confused , as her eyes traced over the pages . Some were places she had heard off and some were not .

" Really ? " Niall asked as he sat up .

" You didn't open it , yet ? " She asked surprised that the boy hadn't checked the book out yet .

" Nope . I just thought you might like it . " He cheekily smiled as he stared at the book .

Coming to Niall , he was the same age as her , fifteen . The boy had not much interest in books , but he sure did have interest in birds and just wandering around literally anywhere .

He hated being at his house . It's not that his house was terrible . It was that he couldn't handle not being around someone . He just wanted someone to talk , from dawn to dusk .


" This is nice " Elise beamed as she walked along with Niall , licking the straw berry ice cream she held .

Niall hummed as a response . He was busy thinking about today . He still had the book in his hand as he walked through the empty streets .

The sun was almost setting , it's orangish hue filled the sky as he noticed the outline of the moon appearing .

As the cold wind blew his hair off from his forehead , his thought wandered towards the gem that laid in his pocket .


[ Today morning ]

" Where are we going again ? " Elise asked as she walked up the hill along with Niall .

" We are going fishing up the hill . There's a pond . " He spoke as he walked up the hill , his eyes fixated on the map that was shown in the book .

" Where's the fishing rods ? " Elise questioned as she tried to blink her sleepiness off .

" It's up there . I didnt want us to carry all of this up hill . It would be heavy . " He spoke , glancing at her .

" Why do we need the torch for ? " She asked as she stared back at him , her eyes half closed .

" We need it , incase it gets dark . " He replied as he stopped halfway . Handing Elise a bottle , he asked her to wash her face .

" Are you still sleepy ? " He questioned .

" Not much . " She replied , her voice much clearer and her eyes a lot more open than before .

The cold breeze kissed their skin as they climbed further up the hill , blades of grass tickling their ankles as they heard the birds chirp in the distance .

" Look , a rabbit . " She pointed as she noticed the furry animal hopping away .

" You know what , this place is nice . I like this." Elise spoke giggling as she walked faster than him , her eyes scanning for any other animals .

Turning around , she looked at Niall .

" I take back everything I said about that book . This is beautiful . " She spoke , hearing her voice echo .

" I know . " Niall spoke climbing up the hill, soon reaching where Elise stood .

The view was beautiful , with the hill decorated with small flowers from the top to the bottom .

" Those are daisies. " Niall spoke as he stared at the daisies that stood beside them .

From the hill , they could see the whole town , There were not many vehicles on the road and not many chatting loudly . The town was just waking up .

" We have a bit more to walk up and then we will reach the cave . " He spoke as he turned around looking up . From where he was standing he could see a part of the cave .

" Can you show me the book . " Elise asked as she looked at the book in his hands .

Taking the book , she stared at the map .

" I don't know how this isn't a tourist spot yet . But I would like to keep it this way . " She spoke as she followed Niall who had took the lead .

Niall adorned a brown shirt and a khaki coloured shorts along with his socks and sports shoe . A huge bag laid on his shoulder .

He had brought everything that he felt would come handy . Four bottles of water , three torches , ropes and a whole lot of glow sticks .

She didn't know why they needed ropes . It almost seemed as if they were going trekking .

Elise wore a loose button up shirt , shorts and her lucky pair of running shoes . Her head was covered with a baseball cap as her hair rested on her shoulders .

Reaching the top of the hill , she gawked at the humongous cave infront of her .

" Sweet . " He spoke as he rested the bag onto the grassy ground . Taking his phone out , he immediately clicked a few pictures .

' I will send them to you . " He spoke as he clicked a few more .

Niall was the photographer among them . He was awesome at it , Elise wasn't far behind either .

" Cool . " She spoke as she took out her own from her pocket .

" Now , where are the fishing rods ? "

" Yeah , about that . "