I like someone else...

Yi Hua walks down the pebbled footpath with Lu Yang Yang in her arm and Lin Yi follows after her.

She watches around in a daze, the way the palace was decorated caught her breath against her throat, just so fascinating and wonderful.

Never had she seen this decoration and design except in the tourist site the government protected and continued for tourism and the Tv series which basically forecasted the historic life.

Living in one and seeing everything so vividly in front of her eyes was overwhelming, "Doesn't it look so great?" Lu Yang Yang questions, Yi Hua flinches, coming out of her trance.

She clears her throat and nods her head, "This is just… marvelous!" She says, all excited, "And not to mention… this is all for me." Yi Hua says, grinning happily.

"For you? Nah, for showing off his achievement."