All are in danger

"What is going on?" Han Jiaqi frowns, and the noise intensifies which makes Han Jiaqi widen his eyes, he stands up and approaches the door, the door suddenly bursts open, and Han Jiaqi flinches back with wide eyes.

"My Lord, you must escape." One man walks in with a horrified gaze, "What is going on?" Han Jiaqi asks, frustrated and bewildered while the man looks back, rushing to the door and then back inside before standing before Han Jiaqi.

"My Lord, the king ordered to have you captured. You need to run!" The man yells, frantic and nervous while Han Jiaqi frowns with a look of disbelief, "How would he? He can't!" Han Jiaqi shouts, and the man grows nervous about how he could have the other understand.

"My Lord…he has ordered everyone related to you to be captured. Most already fled at the information…you should disappear from here." The man adds, looking back and then ahead, "On what basis am I getting captured?" Han Jiaqi asks.