Stay in the palace

"What exactly happened?" Zhou Yu inquires, holding the doctor by his arms, Lin Yi stands up, and approaches them, Zhou Yu looks at Lin Yi and gestures to her to stay out of it.

Lin Yi halts, looking at the doctor, "Please, I don't care what you do to me but… help my family." The doctor begs, pleading as he hangs his head down, scared and worried.

Zhou Yu frowns, "Who was it?" Zhou Yu asks, growing calm but serious, "I-I don't know, My Lord." The doctor stutters out, still tearing up, "How did he look?" Lin Yi questions, the doctor looks at Lin Yi and frowns.

"Uh, he had his face covered… I noticed a big scar running down his face which he had covered." The doctor says, "How did you see it?" Zhou Yu asks, and the doctor gulps, "He threw me onto the floor and leaned down as he was threatening me. I caught a glimpse of it since I had the lantern in my hand."