
Terra and Tia

Under the blazing sun, a thirteen-year-old girl ventures through the uneven terrain leading up into the mountain and carrying nothing but a basket of sandwiches to deliver to his beloved grandfather who was working hard on their rice field. Even as her sweat furiously ran down out of her body, it didn't let it bother her. She climbed the hill with a grin and drenched in sweat.

"Grandpa!" she called out upon seeing him from the fields before running towards him through the narrow pathways. Her grandfather didn't notice her immediately as he was busy reaping the rice plants until the faint red hood came across his weak vision.

"Tia!" Her grandfather exclaimed, surprised upon seeing her granddaughter approaching. "How many times do I have to tell you?! You are not supposed to be out here in the farm! And shouldn't you be at school!?"