I'm going

Liliana turned to her with panic stricken eyes. 

"What? What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Nancy asked in a panic stricken voice, stepping back from the door like it was a hot sizzling iron. 

"Listen to me Nancy. I want you to go in there, take off your clothes and hit the shower. Right now! No questions asked," When she noticed Nancy was about to protest, she almost yelled. "Just do it! Puh-leaaaase." She put her hands together in a praying stance. 

Nancy sighed and reluctantly looked behind her before running inside the room while Liliana shut the door and stood Infront like she was a bodyguard. 

Just like she predicted, Koan's footsteps echoed around his floor before she finally saw him walking towards her like a prowling wolf, ready to rip her to shreds. 

"Where is she?" 

"Where is who?"