The Green Mistake

A ray of light shines through the slits of the ruin that was once a castle.

A small shadow dashes through at tremendous speed, and behind it four creatures straight out of a nightmarish fairy tale.

They are wearing dark ethereal hoods, that hide their features.

Their faces are missing, replaced by endless darkness and two cold slits that menacingly stare at the soul.

The figure is fast but the creatures keep getting closer.

They arrive at a crossroads and the small shadow staggers for a second, the left path has an extremely ominous feeling that sends chills down his back and makes the hair on his neck stand up.

It turns right and dashes with all his might.

In his hand, is a dagger with a very peculiar shape, it has no hilt and looks more like a pitch-black fang.

The shadow is wearing a worn-out, green robe.

Its face is hidden, but you can discern the panic in it.

The creatures follow suit and make the most terrifying screeching noises that the shadow has ever heard.

It looks back, sweating bullets.

The path has many twists and turns and at certain points steep crevices, through which you can stare at the abyss.

The castle has been abandoned for countless aeons and it seems that even buildings can be welcomed to hell.

The shadow is running for its life while dashing maniacally.

Its leg muscles are screaming. It didn't possess the skill "Dash" so even copying it caused tremendous strain on its body.

The creatures tired of chasing, unleash an ice breath so cold that absolute silence befell on the otherwise loud rumbling castle.


yells the shadow whose body slowly started freezing from the feet up. It struggles to get out but finds it impossible.

Its eyes wavering, it doesn't want its life to end this way, it finally managed to find what it has been looking for its entire life, spend endless wealth, and sacrificed way too much to give up so easily.

The creatures' eyes stare at the figure like the coldness of death staring upon mortals, and spread their sharp claws, ready to take his head.

The shadow stares in fear as the claws get close to its neck.

It can feel the cold seeping through its body and moving up to its brain and heart, almost making them stop.

The creatures raise their hands ready to take the shadow's life but suddenly-

A pulse of darkness that seems so dark, yet at the same time so brilliant, blinds the small shadow, and sends all the predators flying away at high speed.

They crash into the walls of the already ruined castle and fly through them as if they are made out of paper.

They keep flying, crashing into a couple more walls before reaching a stop.

The shadow stares in awe at the pitch-black dagger in his hand, which is emitting a low grumble.

A voice in its head is whispering in a language that it can't understand.

It sounds ominous and it feels like talking to the deepest and darkest abyss there is.

It wasn't words, but more like sounds, the ones you hear when staring at a pitch-black hole, the ones that you think are just inside your head, to protect your sanity from believing that someone is talking to you through the darkness.

Memories that do not belong to him enter his head and give him a headache so bad he would rather split his head open.

Amidst the chaos a name, Kyomu. After hearing the name everything falls into a deep silence inside the figure's head.

Suddenly every bit of thought and brain activity is completely erased and darkness fills the shadow's head as he lays there comatose.

The creatures get up and dash to the figure with their sharp claws glistering only to see him in a state that could be only described as death, but they were surprised to see that his heart was still beating.

The creatures look at each other, puzzled, when the dark fang that protected the shadow, floats in the middle of the four with a dazzling dark light.

Slowly you can see the claws and robes of the creature becoming dust and then a thick smoke until their whole bodies disintegrate.

Thick screams of terror and anger fill the empty castle making lingering souls shudder and demons return to the hellhole they came from.

The smoke then gets absorbed in the dagger which immediately enters the shadow's body.

Suddenly a crack appears right next to the laying shadow. The weird thing about it was that it was in the air.

Pieces of the space started cracking and falling on the ground, breaking into billions of smaller pieces that disappeared.

The colours of the rainbow surrounded the crack that was now stable enough to be called a rift.

Out of the rift, a hand came out, clad in deep blue armour, made out of thick scales and small deep blue spikes, dripping a blue essence that drips on the ground and opens a hole so deep that you cannot discern the depth of.

Claws, so sharp, that could cut steel into slices so thin, they looked like potato chips.

Following the hand, a foot, also clad in deep blue armour, equipped with terrifying talons.

An 8" feet tall behemoth, with a bastard sword strapped on its back, emerged from the rift, standing tall and indomitable.