What is your name?

Iono was swirling in an ocean of possibilities, until he lifted his head to look at Kyomu.

"Did I actually travel in the past? No, not possible. I wouldn't have Kyomu if that was case. It would still be in that temple. The lucid dream idea is out of the window, so the only possibility left... I'm gonna wait."

Iono closed his eyes for a moment, and then looked at Kyomu,

"If I do something that I can't undo, since I do not know what is happening to me, warn me with a tremble. I'd appreciate it, given you're not saying anything."

Silence befell for a moment, and then Kyomu returned to his chest. Iono turned to look at the figure.

"I am guessing you're not giving me any of the answers I want, so I'll just skip that topic and ask you where the hell I am."

"You're inside my body."

Iono heard the words, and even though he pretty much expected it, it still left him speechless.

"My spirit hasn't dissipated and never will. My race has a special power of being able to interact with other frequencies. I'm not going to elaborate further because you're not ready, but my body, although long dead, is still standing here, because my spirit will not dissipate."

Looking at the enormous skeleton surrounding them, Iono felt miniscule compared to the man in front of him.

"Interact with other frequencies!? That would mean that-"

"Yes, but I am nowhere near His level. Mine is a racial trait, He is simply incredible. I know of your tales, and I am warning you, I don't know what you think you're going to do, but don't challenge Him. It's suicide."

Silence befell once more. Iono understood completely the figure's words.

"If you truly know of my tales, do you really think I'm afraid of death?", as Iono said this his eyes shone with bloodlust so thick in made even the sturdy, harder than tungsten skeleton tremble.

"I run rounds around the realm's armies, and I run rounds around it's rulers. I am not afraid of death, I am death."

Iono released any restriction he had placed on his energy, and the colourless prana engulfed him. His domineering stance surprised the figure, but not as much as when he could see space fluctuations in Iono's prana. If he had eyes, they would be popping out of his face now.

"Chaos... You son of a-, you really are the one."

Iono retracted his prana, and bloodlust.

"So don't tell me I should be afraid. I dared to face Karma, and so He is nothing but a pawn in front of me."

The figure remained silent.

"You know, I was thinking it was time for me to be gone. Lurking around here, stops being fun after a while. Mad Hound, pull out the egg."

Iono heard the figure's speech, and pretended not to understand, but he knew exactly what was happening. With the excitement of a 4 year old, he opened space in front of him, like opening a window. From inside, a black egg, with visible veins that beat rhythmically came out.

If one paid attention one could see that the figure and the egg, gave a very similar feeling.

The figure touched the egg and felt the small creature inside. After a few moments he turned to Iono.

"I'm going to give my body to you, to refine, and I'm going to put my soul in this little one. It will increase the chances of it actually hatching, and if all goes well, it's going to be better than most. Don't use all my skeleton, keep some for this little one to eat. Keep some of my spinal fluid as well."

"Spinal fluid? "

"The lake you swam to enter this place, that's my spinal fluid."

"Holy f*cking shit, if his spinal fluid is enough to create a lake, how big is this skeleton? ", Iono thought inwardly.

"Where am I-"

"Don't worry I'll give you a pouch with rings powerful enough to accommodate my body. "

"Before I start... why...? "

"Why I am doing this? Well, my time is over. I had my fun, and now it's time to give the opportunity to another one. But the main reason is you. I can't say much, Mad Hound, but you, you will be someone that shakes the foundation of this place.

My race can see in other frequencies, and once you learn more about the laws of space and time, you'll realise there is a very fine line between the two. Therefore, before I go away forever, here's one last piece of advice.

Don't succumb to yourself, for he is you and you are him..."

As the figure said that, he became a mass of black flames and surrounded the egg.

"Wait, your name! I don't know your name, benefactor! "

"Hahaha, Ophiuchus of the thirteen. That's is my name! ", and as he said that, his body turned into a vortex that surrounded the egg. After a few moments of swirling, it came to a stop, the egg shone brightly for a moment, and then started trembling intensely. After a few seconds it finally calmed down.

The egg fell on Iono's hands, and with it a small red pouch. Iono checked to see, and realised that the pouch was full of items, treasures so great, his innate greed grew to a point where he got goosebumps. But after inspection he realized the treasures where destroyed by the passage of time.

Such a sad thing. It was like chancing upon a bag of money, but they were all torn to shreds. But he wasn't so dispirited since he knew that there was always a limit to the luck the heavens bestow upon you.

What was the real treasure, was the absurd amount of energy the energy rings on the pouch had, that made the inside space so big, he could literally place the whole cave inside, and it wouldn't collapse.

Altering the space something occupies, also means increasing its density by a lot. Changing the size of an object in space, changes the distance between the electrons and the nucleus of its atons. The fundamental forces are also affected leading in numerous changes. That means creating space for more atoms to exist, which it turn increases its density.

But the main point is that, If the density of the pouch is less than the item's, then the space rings would collapse, the pouch destroyed and the item damaged.

Therefore the pouch has a density higher than a cave of tungsten that houses a skeleton so big, the rib cages look like towers.

Such was the treasure in his hands.

He would love to stay around and refine it now, but the time limit for his small retreat was running close, and he had to return home.

He left the cave and put it inside the pouch, and then left to return home.