Bloodlust Vs Heretical Energy Body

Invisible prana clashed with cyan mana and green aura, clearly overpowering them.

"You sound very confident, for such a tiny humanoid. Then again, this killing intent is abnormal. How many lives have you taken to reach such a level? I am merely a beast but, even I have not seen so much blood. And you also look very young...Where did you come from?", the giant Green Wolf asked.

"I guess you wouldn't know who runs this forest, seeing as you just formed this dungeon. It doesn't matter who I am, this isn't a fight, but a slaughter...", the goblin replied.


You dare disregard life as nothing but your toy!?", the giant wolf clenched his jaw in anger, and bend his body, as if though he was going to attack.

"I don't want to hear that from a beast! Life is precious and there's not a single life I have taken that has left my mind. It's simply that, your life, isn't precious.", Iono said, slowly pulling out his scythe, made out of oak wood and steel, while facing the Boss.

"A scythe? Hahaha, now this is becoming funny...", the Boss laughed out loud the moment he saw the farming tool Iono used as a weapon.

The green aura shrouded it's paws and the cyan mana wrapped itself around his front legs while igniting the oxygen in the atmosphere. Suddenly, the giant pounced towards Iono; a flaming paw came crashing down from above, ready to squash the tiny goblin.

Instead of the fear that the Boss thought he would instill in the goblin, a smirk appeared on Iono's face.

Iono plunged the scythe into the ground, and crossed his arms in front of him. He clenched his muscles and covered his whole body in prana. His core intently rotated as it produced prana relentlessly. The prana froze the water molecules in the atmosphere and created a thin, invisible ice armour around Iono's body. His bones, which where harder than tungsten were absorbing the prana through his pores, strengthening themselves.

Iono was trying to withstand this strike with the help of the "True Serpentine Body".

He briefly glanced at the blue screen next him, which still hadn't left his side, only to see his mana and aura hastily decreasing, and his Prana vastly increasing.

"This green, Cell Reverberation midget wants to take my attack head on? Has he given up on his life?", The wolf thought as a smug grin replaced his angry face.

The paw came crashing down and hit Iono dead on. A severe clash of energies followed, the mana melted the prana, and the aura broke through it with brute strength, but the prana repaired itself at a faster rate because it was a higher form of energy. Iono's feet dug into the ground trying to withstand the force of the hit.

This was a dead-on hit from a tier 3 Energy Gathering Dungeon Boss, 4 stages above his current core stage. If it was anyone else on the Foundation stage taking this hit, they would be a puddle of meat on the ground by now.

Iono's face contorted to one of anguish as he held his own against the mighty Dungeon Boss. The Boss itself was also infuriated.

"What is this weird form of energy that's stronger than my mana and aura combined, and why is this kid's body so strong. It feels like his bones are made out of steel. How can a Cell Reverberation child hold this much strength!?", he pondered.

A spider crack appeared on the ground, as it collapsed under the massive force of the strike. The pressure of the King made the situation even worse as Iono was getting attacked both physically and mentally. It seemed as if though the air around him got tighter and his breathing became rapid.

Suddenly a fluffy tail came swinging at the goblin, his eyes widened as he witnessed the tail hitting him square in the chest so hard, the air whistled as he got send flying backwards.


The force of strike embedded him into the walls of the dungeon; he, literally , got stuck in the wall.

"What the f*ck is that strength!?", he thought,

"Was that the strength of his fluffy tail?

And I withstood a head on strike from that?

How strong is this "True Serpentine Body"?" He questioned, surprised himself by the sturdiness of his skeleton. He breathed in heavily and tried to release himself from the wall he was pounced in.

He flexed his muscles and gathered strength, removing first his arms, and then legs, destroying some of the wall in the process.

He shook his green head to regain focus, and rotated his arm to stretch his muscles. While facing the Boss once again,

"I felt that!" , he said.

Before the Boss could answer, he dashed towards it, rotating his core even more intensely, but this time in the opposite direction. The Boss responded in kind, dashing towards him.

On the way he picked up the scythe he had plunged on the ground, and starting spinning it to gain momentum.

The Boss gathered aura in his jaw, and mana in his legs, which manipulated the air around them to increase their speed.

Iono gathered Prauna on his arms and covered his scythe with it. The advantage of using Aura-dominated prana, meant trading elemental affinity to increase physical force. He breathed in heavily, puffing up his cheeks. He abruptly stopped, plunged his feet into the ground to gain stability, while unleashing vast amounts of Prauna. He grabbed his scythe with both hands, flexed all of his muscles and as he exhaled, he made a sweeping motion, aiming for the Boss's head.

The swipe seemed to be in slow motion, but it was actually incredibly fast. The Prauna extended the scythe even further, making it much bigger than it actually was and much sharper. The force of it, swept along air, dust and rocks that were present in the cave.

The Boss saw the scythe coming for his head , but thought that his bite force would overwhelm it. Therefore he opened his maw ready to crunch the scythe and bite through both the energy coating it and the steel.

It was then that Iono's scarlet eyes turned to an even thicker red colour, and killing intent came crushing like a tide, putting so much pressure on the Boss it almost whimpered in defeat.

It felt like the temperature of the room fell several degrees, as the thick bloodlust covered every part of the cave.

Birds that were standing outside the Dungeon, flew away instinctively. The colour of the atmosphere had turned into the crimson of blood.

The ground suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a bloody battlefield that was littered with the corpses of men and awakened beasts. Thick screams of anguish, and the clashing of metal could be heard in the distance.

There was so much blood, it formed a lake, in which all the corpses slumbered. Suddenly the blood convulsed, and started moving, wrapping itself around the Boss's feet. As it watched this happen its breath got caught in its throat, and it felt like it wanted to throw up.

"Is this really an illusion!? His bloodlust is literally affecting the real world! Just how much blood has stained his hands!?", it thought inwardly.

As the scythe came closer and closer to it's face, the Boss could vaguely make out the image of a hooded humanoid standing behind Iono. Its skin was gray and withered, but also ethereal, his bones were visible. It was hugging a scythe. His malicious grin revealed rows of rotten teeth.

The Boss's eyes widened, as its head was filled with only one thought.


The Boss sucked in the cold air of the underground cave trying to come to terms with the fact that the moment it comes in contact with that scythe, it's dead.

In the very last moment before contact, it used mana to manipulate the wind and push itself backwards, briefly dodging the hit, and only losing some chin hair.

The scythe continued on it's track and landed on the dungeon walls,


It opened up a horizontal fissure, splitting the wall in two.

Part of the ceiling came crashing down; with a fissure that large, the walls couldn't hold the weight of it anymore.

The amount of physical strength behind that swipe was extraordinary.

Aura-dominated prana combined with the "True Serpentine Body", and Iono's own physical strength, which due to his body's refinement was much higher than a normal human's, much less, a goblin's, created an explosive, multiplicative event, that even the green midget himself did not expect.

Cold sweat was running down the Dungeon Boss's cheek, as it stared at the now, split-in-half, wall. He slowly turned his head to look at his opponent, only to see a similarly surprised expression on his face.

"JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?", he yelled in frustration...

"HOLY F*CK!", Iono thought. He gulped as he looked at the damage he had caused.

"I am only in Cell Reverberation, but can do this much damage!? Prana is much stronger than I thought, and the physical abilities of this skeleton is absolutely preposterous! Just what kind of existence was Ophiucus!?", it made Iono once again ponder, who was the mysterious man or beast who gave him so many gifts.

"Alright... I'm done playing games and underestimating you, you little twerp. Its about time I got serious...", the Boss said while staring at lono maliciously.

Suddenly the energy that was circulating only around its paws started circulating its whole body. The aura made its muscles bulge, indicating its physical strength had increased by a large margin.

The ground gave in under the weight of the boss, creating a shallow crater. Mana covered its whole body, making its fur stand to no end. The Boss now looked like a porcupine. But once lono realized why that is, cold shivers run down his spine.

The mana of the boss had caused a movement in the electrons of the atmosphere, shrouding the boss in a very powerful electric field, and consequently magnetic field.

The faster the mana moves the stronger the current. At some point, small thunderous snakes could be scene revolving around the Boss's body. This was pure electricity! The magnetic field around the boss was so strong, it started pulling lono's scythe out of his hands. When lono realized it, he tightened his grip, not letting go.

But the Boss didn't stop there...

As the mana rotated around the Boss's body, it combusted the oxygen around it, creating something of a fire tornado revolving around the Boss. The heat generated by it, gave more energy to the electrons, which made the current flow faster, and therefore the voltage higher.

Because of the extremely dense cloud of electrons surrounding the boss, the atmosphere itself was pushed to the side, and the combustion of all the oxygen made it completely disappear, making the boss literally exist in a void, and therefore have no air resistance blocking it. Its speed would reach unimaginable levels!

At the same time, there was no oxygen so it couldn't breathe, and therefore had only a limited time to show off this form.

Iono had seen this before, hell, he used to use it himself. And this was why it made his scalp tingle.

"Heretical Energy Body...

And even Double Casting...

I am seriously f*cked!" lono thought, grimacing at the picture unfolding in front of him.

Heretical Energy Body, was a skill that shrouded the whole body in energy, instead of separate parts like it's usually done. Its name was a result of the huge amount of power it provided making a *cheat* technique that defied common logic.

The problem of this skill was the overbearing effect it had on the physical body and therefore it was impossible to use under Mana or Aura Constitution, in humans.

Depending on which energy they achieved the Constitution realm in, they could shroud their bodies with said energy, and exponentially increase their capabilities, physical or magical.

But Awakened beasts had bodies much, much more durable than humans, and therefore could use this skill much earlier, from Mana or Aura Gathering.

That is why people where afraid of Awakened beasts and no effort to peacefully live together had ever been made, even though Awakened beasts possess intelligent. For most humans, Awakened beasts were savage creatures that even though had intelligence, only thought with their stomachs.