A Favor

"This is going to be a lot of intervention, setting ourselves in the forefront of global diplomacy," Alexander said as he propped his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his hand. 

"In that case, Your Majesty, we should select sides that will be most beneficial to the Ruthenia Empire," Sevastian suggested. 

"I know, we have to study the nature of their conflict. Why is it happening and what was the cause? We can't just provide a faction with weapons we know nothing about and earn the ire of both factions." 

Supporting a side in a civil war is one thing. Uprisings in the colonies of major colonial powers are a whole new can of worms.

Should his support with the rebels be found out, the country the colony belongs to will declare war on him. Vice versa, his support of suppressing the uprisings will be seen by other freedom fighter factions as evidence of cooperative imperialistic superpower bullying.