Ruthenian Baltic Fleet vs Britannia Home Fleet Part 1

Two hours had passed since Admiral George permitted the Baltic Fleet of the Ruthenian Imperial Navy to enter the Britannian Empire's territorial waters. His crews were busy fixing the damage incurred by the rogue battleship, HMS Nelson, who fired two salvos at the aircraft carrier.

From there, Admiral George ordered the captain of each ship to reevaluate their crews to find who is the enemy, and who is not. Since then, suspicion lingered in the minds of the crews and the captains. Fearing that at any moment, they would act in a way that will harm the ship and their fellow servicemen. 

Fortunately, nothing happened but they are keeping their eyes peeled. 

"Admiral! We have an incoming transmission from the Admiralty," the telegraph operator informed George, who was sitting in the captain's seat.

"What is it?" George asked.