Shopping Mall Part 1

The convoy raced down the road. There was no vehicle driving near the convoy as it was cleared beforehand for security protocol. Though it was understandable that they would place such a strict protocol to protect the emperor, honestly speaking, their protocol would only let the people know that the emperor is outside of the Winter Palace. 

The mall is only twelve minutes away from the Winter Palace in normal traffic conditions, but given the special privilege of being the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, the travel time was cut down to seven minutes.

Seven minutes later, the group inside the Beast looked out of the window and saw the shopping mall they were excited to go to. The look on their faces indicates that the exterior design didn't live up to her expectations. 

"Wait…that's it?" Tiffania said. "Where are the ornate and intricate designs? It looked like a huge hollow block of a building to me."