
Finding an Inn to sleep in for the night was easy. Gerald especially escorted him to his Inn and then said to rest well. Gerald waved goodbye for the last time and Troan entered the Inn sleepy.

There was a lonely bard singing songs with his harp beside the campfire inside the room located at the center. The warmth penetrated his clothes and made him feel at ease.

Walking on the streets made him have cold shoulders and was shivering in random succession. Tough to only have a sackcloth as a dress.

The building was made with wooden timber cut into slabs and others were made as a foundation. Cut into square pillars and were laid in the center of the room and its corners.

Incense was burned while candles were placed in every place to light up the room, without a spot for darkness to have its place. Checking in to the counter for the night.

"Room number seven. Here's the key," she slid the bronze key on the table towards him.


Finding his way through the room on the second floor, he stepped on the stairs which made it irked with every step.

This time, torches were the ones that illuminated the place. Several maids were strutting back and forth, giving either drinks and food or blankets. Passing the rooms towards number seven, he saw several mice passing by on his path.

Upon arriving, he clunked the door open and entered.

A small room was what greeted him as he stared at it. Good enough for a beggar like him that sleeps on the streets his entire life.

Putting his book on the bed, he lit up the candle lamp beside him. He only had a sword and a book with a pouch of coins to boot and didn't even have a pair of clothes nor have a rucksack.

His sackcloth was still bloody this whole time. He wondered what others could think of him as they watched him like that.

Anyways, all could be solved with a pouch of gold and he could buy anything he want. The problem was, that he only had tonight's fee and breakfast.

He only has one shot to pass the recruitment of Paladins. As he didn't have much to do, he washed first in the bathroom, and blood was washed out from his skin.

Looking at it, the health potion did make its miracle. Not a blemish was seen on his skin and he even realized that his scars faded.

Wearing the same clothes, he went to open up the book that Gerald gave. As he read it, there was a glossary of types of weapons.

Two-handed and one-handed, even dual-wielding. From Axe, mace, and hammer were used by Paladins, long swords were used by either Paladins, Holy knights, or Chaos knights. Chaos knights sometimes use spears.

Short swords were used by Rangers. Staffs by Holy knights. Claws by Druids and Lycans, Bows and arrows by Rangers, magic staffs by Mages, Necromancers, or Druids.

Daggers by Rogues or Rangers. Scythe by Necromancers, and last, katana by Ronins.

Even an illustration of each weapon and how to use them was seen written below their illustrations. Each tribe has weapon specifications that they use for their best performance and that's why this book was made.

As for the author, it was named Troan and Doom. As the descriptions were said, he was a weapon master and knew a lot of things. He can only smirk while looking at their names.

Not that Troan assumed that it was his past self but it picked his curiosity about who he was in the past. The possibility remains infinite and still unknown to him. All he could do was learn.

Well yeah, it was him who wrote it but not to the point of being proud about it. He pondered as he was a master of all weaponry. He can only scoff at the moment.

As he scanned the pages, there were illustrations of each tribal warring gear. Several examples of each job class they have.

There were even archetypes of each class. Further making his path to be complicated. Deciding on what tribe he will learn from was also hard.

Like for example, He was near the Paladin camp at the moment which was the nearest tribe that the village was on. He could be a Paladin if he wanted to and the possibility of him getting this job class was high.

Not that he boasts about how good he was to survive in the forest of trial but he has his confidence.

Next nearest to them were the Necromancers of dark fogs. To Troan, this was his favorite tribe. Summoning your minions made his hair go up. His excitement was unquelled and made him read deeper. Flipping the pages while looking forward to what will be the next thing he will learn.

While further reading, he knew that each weapon has its perks. Blunts have greater potential on full heavy armors and axes have cleaving capacity and have the perks of both blunt and blade.

Blades were the fastest and were best used against light armors. There were also these enchantments and weapon conjurations that he read.

To his surprise, there were two types of weapons, a conjured one and the physical one. Physical weapons can be enchanted while conjured ones can be summoned on a whim but can't have enchantments. Now that he knew it, he was intrigued as to how vast the knowledge this author was. Well, he knew as much.

To start, he read each weapon and how to use them. There were these moves called swing, thrust, block, parry, feign, and, counter. Some attacks were also called quick and others were heavy.

It was vast knowledge that he read. Minding the time was not even on his mind. His reading became immersed and he enjoyed learning from this author. To the point that he wanted an autograph from him.

The moves from every weapon were memorized and were comprehended to a terrifyingly fast degree. An intense focus was used while learning each of them.

Some weapons have balanced capabilities such as the sword. Other weapons have greater capabilities on offensive strikes but defensive blocks or parry were low.

Such were the axes and scythes. But they were brutal when used by an expert. Minding that they were all weapons used for killing.

As he scanned the book, there was this weapon called a chained dagger. Its defensive capacity was as low as a dagger but has a longer reach in battles. Still, Rogues that used this to its full potential were only counted by hundreds.

Not everyone can wield it as well as Troan the author of this book was. He was biased on that part but maybe he was called weapon master for a reason.

Also, these weapons have mastery. Making the weapon as one with your body and when your mastery was at its peak, you will achieve greater bonuses on your normal attacks.

The Rogue guardian Spike can slash the very soul itself, Holy Knight guardian Edmund even rend the wind and oceans with his slash. Fighter guardian Mael destroys mountains.

He has great shockwaves that burst with every strike. And Troan, he rends the space.

Paladin's guardian Trey has swings that weigh several tons. He can also command the elements like an extension of their slash. Ranger guardian Marv can deal with wounds that can't be healed by normal potions and be corrosive.

Chaos knight guardian Helmar can deal with wounds that can give intense pain. Making you pass out in a single strike.

Swordsman guardian Shin gives him random bonuses on his stats such as strength, dexterity, vitality, and focus as he deals damage.

Also, his strikes become ethereal, passing through physical armors and cutting through flesh. Necromancer guardian Hail can even make his weapons unbreakable or indestructible.

His attacks can even absorb a small percentage of his prey's strength. Making him stronger and stronger in battle.

Lycan guardian Rage can make his slash faster and faster with each attack and it deals more damage the longer it gets.

Druid guardian Druin can make himself tougher and tougher with every hit and damage he receives or deals.

Mage guardian Eil can heighten the damage of his attacks by two folds.

There were many more and it differs for each person. These were the peak of the weapon mastery, and it was world-shaking for Troan. He realized that he has so much to go and was like an ignorant frog on the well. Well, not anymore. if it was the past innocent self then maybe.

It felt like the book has more to offer and that he will have to train his body and mind to get the limits of his body.

Well, he has to gain some muscles first to do that and have a healthy constitution. Thinking that the night grows deeper, he has to rest first. Closing the book, he settled on the bed comfortably and breathed deep.

He was exhausted and it helped him get to sleep better. He passed out without knowing. If fate permits it, he will also be as strong as he ever dreamed of.