
"What have you done? He is destined to be a great Paladin someday! He has to pass the test!" the drill instructor said to Troan.

"Sad to say, he didn't. I am sorry, I didn't mean to defeat him. I just rode to the flow of things and smacked him a bit. Well, I have to defeat him right? What choice do I have?" Troan said confused, arms opened wide.

"Okay, you win. But you will take the final test!" he proclaimed.

"I didn't hear anything about it. Are you making this up or what?" Troan asked.

"Nope, I want to test your skill that is. Is it okay with you? I will uphold honor in every battle. As Paladin, we have to honor our opponent with respect. We will fight fair and square,"

Troan knew such rules but was still confused. Maybe his enemy only wanted to have a little battle to spice things up. Eager to let out some steam and have fun doing it. More of brawn and lesser brain. But he agreed to let it pass this time. Didn't like to argue with the Paladin that was making them take the test. But he will be facing the greatest ordeals.

A full pledge Paladin hardened with unnumbered battles. Troan thought that he was a battle addict that likes to challenge anyone he meets that was strong. Further making him think that it was for his amusement.

"Okay, I will defeat you, right? Then I will get the badge for Paladins?"

"Yes, that's the way it is," he said to Troan.

"Okay," Troan then agreed to this deal. Though he will have to pay more carefully as to what scheme this man was in. First, a full-fledged Paladin couldn't be beaten by a kid that wields the sword in just a few days.

Experience and muscles were both dominant to this enemy. His experience as a thief will only make him have a greater nimbleness.

But how far will he go with it? The answer lies ahead, whether he will win or not was in his mind. But to land a hit on him even just once. He was agitated by the unfairness this man has. He even took him as someone who was up to the task.

The spars have ended and Troan was faced with the strongest opponent, yet to know how strong he was but he was for sure stronger than him.

They watched them and were looking forward to how this Paladin will make a lesson on a recruit. Well, no use hiding Troan's capabilities from this person. The question was, was it even enough in the first place?

The kids obviously will cheer for their instructor. Just to have more good-looking moments for them to have as they cheered for him.

Troan then grabbed his wooden sword and prepared to duel him. His enemy snickered at him. Making Troan think that the opponent was underestimating him. Just guessing that pulling off the short straw was already a setup, to begin with.

Gerald saw all their ruckus and approached his opponent. They soon went arguing as to what he was doing. Gerald was infuriated at what he was doing.

"What do you think you're doing? He's just a kid!" Gerald said.

"Let me have fun okay? I will teach him a lesson or two," he said.

"You better stop this, the rules are if they will beat their opponents, they will automatically be qualified," Gerald said.

"The kid already agreed. So, no stopping this. Just pray that he beats me okay?" he then laughed.

"Hmm, be careful of what you're doing. He is a tough guy, I am warning you," Gerald said to him.

It was then, that he laughed. They soon started the duel. With Troan on the other side and the drill instructor on the other side. Gerald was on the side and was cheering for Troan. Further making the other kids hate to rise.

Troan then stretched himself. Looking at the opponent who was ready to take him anytime. Though winning was impossible, a few bruises and blackened eyes will do for Troan.

His opponent was not just an ordinary Paladin, he was a drill instructor and trainer. It was just that his luck was kicking in for the worst. Troan bit his lower lips, it could be harder to defeat him than he thought.

The enemy then dashed towards him and Troan felt alarmed. The enemy has little to no opening and he has a domineering aura. Troan felt alarmed, he slashed a diagonal and the enemy deflected his blow. Making a flick of his sword on the face of Troan.

Troan knew that the enemy was stronger. Still, he tried his best. He needs to be faster than before, faster than the speed he pulled off in the forest of trials.

Preparing for the worst, the enemy didn't make him take a break. He attacked him without mercy. With just one hand on the sword, Troan then knew his Paladin archetype. He was a duelist and one-hander at that.

Troan has read about them, they were very hardy in combat and can solo several armed guards with just their one-handed weapons.

There were also two-handers but more one-handers had greater numbers than them. Troan doubled his speed and dashed sideways, attacking his blind spot in a flick of his feet. Still, the enemy knew his location. Further smirking while looking at him.

He slashed horizontally but the enemy just blocked it with his sword. Also made a follow-up front kick on his attack. Troan was flung away from him but it was not enough for him to stop. He dashed while his sword was pointed toward him. Troan then blocked it with the flat side of the sword. Making Troan grit his teeth.

"Feel like surrendering now?"

"Not yet!"

Troan then rotated on the side and deflected his thrust. His rotation then continued and he slashed his sword on his cheeks. The sword hit his face and then he stepped back a bit.

Troan then hopped away further from him. It was then, his enemy his eyes reddened and teeth-gritting, full of fury from the inside.

"Oh hoho! You are angry now!?" Troan bellowed.

Troan then felt alarmed, his enemy was infuriated. The enemy suddenly disappeared. Troan jerked, his focus had let him slip with a moment's notice. A slash was then seen in the corner of his eyes and instinctively blocked it.

Still, it was enough to fling him to the sheer force. The enemy then was screaming while it attacked him. Slashes were faster than before. Horizontal, diagonal, and even vertical slashes were combined.

Troan blocked three blows and felt his hands were numb and shaking. Still, he continued his blocks and parries. The opponent was getting closer and closer and then Troan was slashed downwards with a diagonal slash.

Troan then sidestepped and flipped sideways while rotating. The sword was aimed for slashes on him. Three slashes struck the opponent's face and it happened that Troan didn't do it on purpose.

"It was an accident!"

Troan then landed on the ground toes first and then watched where his opponent disappeared. To his surprise, the opponent was not seen.

"Hey! Where'd you go?"

Panicking, he glanced left and right in haste. It was then, that he was struck with a heavy strike on his back. Making him fling and slammed on the dirt while bouncing several times.

Troan stood up but his feet trembled. His body was shaking in the process and his hands were unsteady. His back aching while he hissed at the pain. The enemy dashed towards him and was seen with wrath within him.

"Oops, sorry!"

Anger was still unquelled with all those attacks. Troan then readied himself and was struck with more heavy strikes. Blocks were made but the force was heavier than normal.

His attacks penetrated Troan's defenses and blocks.

He was hit on the shoulders, face, and, chest. He was beaten so badly that the other kids cheered more on his opponent.

Making him think that it was no use to further aggravate things. Troan then lifted both his arms then shouted.

"I surrender!"

It was then, that the instructor halted. He laughed then gave him his hands.

"Sorry, I was carried away. Anyways, you passed!" he shouted towards him.