
The wind was gushing into the gaps in the windows. Thunders roared outside the windowpane and the wind pushed its way on the glass, making it shake in the process.

The candle flickered while laid resting on the top of the table. Beside the candle was sounding with a pen rubbing on a paper.

The peacock feather was seen on the hands of wrinkled arms while writing his daily report to his superior.

A man with a wizard hat perched on his head was seen sitting on a wooden chair. Minding his own life in the meantime.

A butler entered the room, hands on a teacup and his footsteps were heard while he approached.

The walls were turning moist as the temperature changed to freezing. The candlelight reflected the dewdrops trickling the walls.

The temperature drops drastically and so he ordered a tea to warm up his frozen stomach.

"Your tea sir," the butler said as he slid it on the table. Settled beside his letters while steaming hot.

"Thank you. Any news about the dark fellowship?" he asked in a husky and cold voice.

"They are making their move. Let us tighten our security, if you want some advice sire,"

"We must double the guards. The warding spell must be protected at all cost," the Mage said to him worriedly.

"I have requested a letter on the Paladins, they are coming in a matter of half an hour," the butler then curled his arms.

"Good, I will recharge the spell in an hour. The guards have to do their job,"

"As you wish sire," he then backed away and prepared for his job to do.

The guards on the walls can do the spell but they can only make dim warding spells and it has to be the mages like them to recharge it.

They can only make dim light and they make it bright as daylight even in the darkest hours. As they were the only ones who can wield it to its greatest potential. They were the tower mage for that main reason.

The Mage then curled the paper on a sealable container and went climbing the stairs. The spiraling stairs continued upwards and the footsteps echoed on a hollow tower.

Torches sparked several times while burning its radiance, being hung on the side of the staircase. The strutting continued for several minutes until he arrived on the top.

A wooden door was opened and two paladin guards were seen standing at the entrance. A room full of carrier pigeons and even owls and hawks were present.

Cawing in their cages and were looking forward to their much-awaited food. The Mage fed and let them drink water and then grabbed his fastest messenger bird at his disposal.

Gloves were put then he went to pick up the pigeon. A belt was put on its waist and a container sealed by wax was put on the pouch.

Opening the window, the wind and raindrops greeted his face. He immediately let the creature fly in the storm. Leaving traces of its feathers floating towards him. With the guards finally arrived, they went to the top of the tower.

The butler then led the way with a lantern in his hands. Wind howling and the downpour were heavy. They emerged from the exit of the citadel and saw the Spell crystal glowing in golden lights. Floating in the air and slightly waning from its past radiance.

The Mage then approached the spell crystal and started his job. The spell has to be recharged every day in the middle of the night and before the other day will arrive.

Failing to do so will make the monsters enter the village without hindrance. The guards positioned themselves on every corner of the tower. Weapons were drawn and shields at chest level. The butler also used his spell [Forcefield] while the Mage recharged the spell.

The storm still brewed and felt that the guards were disappearing one by one. The alarming thing was, that they realized it too late. The downpour was so heavy that it clouded their vision.

While the Mage was focused on doing his job, the butler felt alarmed and felt worried about whether he had to notify his master or not. Though, he notified him too late.

Without guards left, a solitary man approached them. Hooded and was in the attire of the Rogues. Two curved daggers on his hands were still bloody and then he dashed towards them.

"I will hold him back. You must finish the spell!" Shouted the butler.

Luckily, he was a Mage too. A telekinetic mage was tasked to guard the Mage with the responsibility of the village's safety. With his willpower as a catalyst for his power, he held the opponent with all he got.

The opponent was held tight and was suspended in the air. It was then, that the enemy laughed at his opponent's struggle. His shadow went out of his body and multiple enemies emerged from the shadow.


Multiple shadows emerged from his body's shadow and then attacked him. The butler used his telekinesis to push the enemies, further making them fall from the tower.

Still, the enemies showed their prowess in terms of speed. All who attacked him were flung with a great force, enough to shatter their bodies like they were hit with a few tons of force.

Enemies on the left were flung, and on the right dashed towards him with daggers held in their hands. Grabbing the two with his telekinesis and then made them collide with each other. Two were lifted and then smashed on the footing of the tower.

The Mage who was recharging the spell was attacked too as the enemy slipped his defenses. One shadow clone dashed towards him.

Upon using [Stab] skill on him, the Mage opened a spatial portal and was sent falling on the tower. Others also tried and he opened and closed portals that made them send on the sky falling.

It was then, while they were fighting, that the original slipped on his back by using [Backstab skill]. The butler then was called by his master.

The dagger was pierced on his back and the pointed blade went through his chest, protruding near the heart. The Mage puked blood and then slammed his body on the floor. The Rogue was behind him smiling.

"No!!!" the butler screamed.

It was then, that they all laughed and retreated. As his mission was a success. The butler then jolted as a dagger pierced his side. It was a dagger coated with poison.

Preoccupied with the fatality of his master. He caught one and then crushed it to bits. Only making it turn into a shadow that slipped his grasp.

They only left a letter that has a dark fellowship written on it on the ground. Further making their assumptions come to light. They were bold enough to declare their presence on them.

It was then, that he felt that his wound was being corroded. A strong poison was applied to the dagger and he doesn't have a cure at the moment. Struggling, he saw the spell crystal wane its radiance.

Further making it lost its lights slowly. He approached his master who was at death's door lying on the floor.

"I have a spellbook on my bookshelf called [Ward evil]. Please give it to the worthy person and that our knowledge will be passed to the chosen one. I trust you will not fail in this task, promise me, promise me,

"The village guards can also wield it. Why pass it to certain someone?" asked his assistant.

"Guards can only make small spells but this chosen one can wield it greater than them. Even greater than us mages!

"The spell needed to be handed as I saw a vision or premonition that I will meet someone that can use it to its greatest potential. The spellbook will be needed by the chosen one on his travels, he will wield the spell greater than me. Greater than humanity has ever seen!

"It was needed for his growth. You will meet him sooner than you think, as for my death, it was not avoidable. Even a time and spatial mage like me can't change my fate," he then went coughing.

"I swear to complete the task with the remaining time I have," he promised.

The Mage then let out his last breath after his reassurance. The butler then went hasty on his steps. He grits his teeth and then went to grab a book his master has. A spellbook, he then hastily went to exit the tower.

Guards were lying dead and were passed by as he descended. As for who he will pass the book to, he didn't know. All he knew was he can't imitate the spell of his master. He didn't learn the spell and was incapable of learning it.

It was then, that the howling of monsters was heard echoing in the darkness. The downpour of rain didn't help much.

They soon noticed that the spell that protects them had vanished. The spell was felt no more and it alarmed the guards on the walls, even monsters alike. Soon, all monsters present assaulted the walls.

Guards stationed were grabbed on their backs one by one. They noticed it was pretty much late and responded later than they have to. Stalkers climbed the walls and the guards tried to use the [Ward evil] spell.

More monsters from the ones crawling to the ones flying came flocking to the village in all directions. All the guards were over capacitated and the defense forces were overrun.

Further bathing the stormy night with screams of the denizens. All soon plunged into chaos and no Paladins can stop what was coming.