
Rotten undead flooded the barricades. They were under siege at the moment. Enemies started to break the wooden structures and it alarmed the defenders. Troan then saw that the defenders were exhausted. Their movements were weakened and dull.

Troan then attacked them with his ranged basic attacks at normal attack speed. Making the enemies hit and damaged. One by one, they turned back to their attacker and ran towards him.

He immediately drew his shield and weapon and attacked them. Necromancers then summoned their minions and attacked the enemies. Which helped Troan as he battled them.

He blocked their strikes with his shield and attacked with his weapon. Using skills with magical damage on them.

Troan then was flooded with enemies as he gathered all the agro towards him. Making it harder for his already hard life.

He was approached with more enemies and they were a couple of dozen. Three dozen enemies attacked him and he readied his summoning skills.

As he made the other half of the besiegers on the defenses towards him and it surprised the other necromancers.

Troan then used his summoning skills right off the bat. Making the ground glowed with a bluish hue and cold at the same time.

[Summon graveyard]

[Summon skeleton militia]

[Summon skeleton sniper]

[Summon skeleton warrior]

The four skills were used and the skeletons emerged from the glowing ground. They dashed toward the enemies with their weapons drawn. Continuous spawning of the graveyard made the battle heighten. Making the two opposing forces brawl with each other. Their numbers were slowly increasing until the graveyard spell ceased its summoning.

Troan dashed towards the enemies and attacked with his weapon. Slashing the scythe towards the enemies. Others were decapitated immediately and their heads flew. It was a critical strike on the enemies.

He was immediately surrounded by many enemies on all sides. He then was attacked with their clawed hands on his back and he blocked it with his shield. Slashing with his weapon as retaliation.

[Soul blast]

[Homing soul skull]

The enemies were hit by his skill and they wailed in anger. Damaging them with his skill and their Health was halved. Troan was then attacked with more claws and he evaded with him twisting and turning his body. Making the enemies attack the empty air.

Troan then used [Ground bone spike] and [Bone javelin] at them. Making the Rotten undead wail as they were hit.

The summons was also making numbers on them. Also, they didn't have a problem with killing a few as they were able to deal enough damage to the enemies. Weapons and shields were crude but it was enough to slowly hit the enemies. Health was also enough to tank the damage.

Troan then killed the remaining enemies with his weapon. Also slowly killed the rest of the besiegers on their defenses.

Troan then finished all of them off. Making him pant with how tiring it was in killing them all off.

"Greetings young stranger, I am surprised to see our kin here," one necromancer said to him.

"Another necromancer! I have watched you fight bravely. You have my gratitude as well as the others on this camp. Visit our necromancer elder for your reward," one necromancer said to him.

Troan then entered the camp. Tents were seen inside with walls made of chiseled timbers. It was then, that he saw the training grounds, the war tent, and empty several key places like the waypoint portal, barracks, and the warding spell crystal. Also, the blacksmith and alchemy tent was empty. The builder's tent was also nothing to see inside.

Troan then went on their camp leader for his rewards. He was white in hair but still has the face of a person in his mid-thirties. He approached him and introduced himself.

He gave his necromancer badge and then gave the letter to the necromancer leader.

"Oh, this? Thank you so much for your service," he said to him.

"The way towards the dark fog was cut off by enemies in these past few days before their attack. I was told that there was something like a Lesser demon that rallies his minions for destroying the camp. I must be getting restless, knowing that a Lesser evil will eradicate this camp as well as all the Necromancers alive! I am so sorry for my rants, care to get acquainted first?" he said in a worried tone.

"I am Troan dear elder, I am a new student of sir Kevin before he died. I have watched him fight bravely and killed a minion of darkness before his death," Troan said.

"Young one, I am the elder of the Necromancers here in camp. I am Kruger Kerath. We are the surviving necromancers of the dark fog. Unfortunately, our brethren didn't survive. The mighty citadel which once stood strong was in rubble after the attack of the Demons and the Lesser evil Agares. I still hope that there are still survivors on our citadel and will revisit it. We will still take revenge on the enemy in the future. We hope you help us rise once again," he said then coughed.

"I will try. This camp is in shambles. I must say you have done well to endure all this time," Troan said to him.

"I am ashamed as our camp is not so welcoming towards you. We lacked the necessity and we can only provide poor shelter in these rickety walls. I beseech you, young stranger! Please help us fight this evil and end this restless wars that plagued the lands once and for all," he said sadly.

"I thank you for your kind offer. I will try my best. Looking at it, your tents were empty. Several places were not used or assigned with key persons,"

"For that, ask our captain. He knows what to do. Also, your reward for helping in defending the camp is already prepared. He already has your reward. Also, he sells skill books. You might want to check it all out," he said to him

Troan then went towards him as per his direction. Troan approached the said person several meters just from Kerath. He was in bone armor and shield. A one-handed scythe on his back.

"Greetings young stranger! So you met our elder? Great! He said he will reward you, yes? I will give you one as per his instruction and give you another for my request," he then immediately sighed.

"Hope you help us rescue our brethren! They were captured recently and I hope they are still alive! Rescue our Alchemist, Builder, Blacksmith, Merchant, and, Enchanter. You will be rewarded greatly!" He said energetically," he said.

"I will gladly take your offer. More missions, more skill books," Troan smiled.

He was then handed two skill books. "Skill book: Corpse explosion" and "Skill book: Poison fume explosion".


Skill name: Corpse explosion

Description: Exploding the corpse of a dead enemy and dealing damage.

Effects: Deal 10 magical damage to the enemy within a 3-meter radius.

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Duration: Instantaneous

Damage type: Magical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 10


Skill name: Poison fume explosion

Description: Exploding the corpse of a dead enemy and deals damage.

Effects: Deals 5 magical damage and deals 3 poison damage per second for 3 seconds on a 3-meter radius.

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Duration: 3 seconds

Damage type: Magical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 15


Troan placed the skill books inside his Skill book binder then put it back on his back pack.

"There was a prophet that was captured by the enemies. He was knowledgeable in knowing what we were facing. Maybe his wisdom will be of much help in these dire times. The order of prophets has to be re-established as he was the last prophet. Rescue him and we will be in eternal gratitude with you," he said to him.

"Okay, will do what you wish," Troan replied.

"Go back to our elder. He might have more missions to give," he instructed.

Troan then went towards him and he talked as soon as he arrived.

"There was a castle nearby from one noble family in the past. Now, it was a den of the Lesser evil Agares. Help us defeat him and we the rest of the surviving necromancers here will swear loyalty to you and your house for the rest of our lives,"

It will be pleasurable to take you all under my wings," Troan said to him.

"Well, many strangers already died at the hands of the enemies. Start finding them on the Burrow falls. Maybe they are all waiting there to be rescued. I will show you where on the map," he said.

"Oh there?" Troan mused.

He immediately gave him the direction and then Troan immediately saw where it was. It was heading on the southern road where he last fought.

Trailing some more where you will travel on the riverside and then will hear immediately the sound of the falls. Going further will make you see the Burrow falls and the entrance was covered by the flowing waters from above.

Knowing the place, it was a good hideout for enemies like cultists. He then prepared for his leave. Ushering himself to hurry towards the enemy turfs to rescue them.