Mrs Ling rushed towards Ling Ling giving him a hard slap on his back, "Watch your words. Have you forgotten your manners? How could you say such a thing in front of our guest?".


"Ouch! Ma!"


Ling Ling side eyed his mom while giving his father an accusatory gaze.


"Ouch", The pain full pang repeated this time on the back of his head. His mom was glaring at him rebuking his unsavory gaze.


"Why am I the one being beaten. I just caught you three red handed. Yu Yan already told me the unspeakable relationship you have with her. You should be ashamed of yourselves", he rebuked his parents.


Turning his head to his mom he instinctively moved further from her. He couldn't possibly be safe at such close distance with his mom's active hand.


"You two have been In communication? I see…