A loud tenacious cry began. The pitch was high and the helplessness in the small voice broke Yu Yan's heart. She searched for the owner to the sound but absolute darkness surrounded.

It was a void only filled with the unbearable sobs. Like a baby search for it's mother. Soon the wailling transitioned into a joyful childlike laughter. This warmed her heart giving her incomparable joy.

Still no sign of all this stimulation.

"Yu Yan where are you?", Another voice.This one she knew.

"Yu Yan! Please come back! Please!!", The sorrow in his voice was too clear for her to not notice.

"Ling Feng I'm here. I'm coming",she shouted aimlessly trying to find any thing.

"You left me. You really left me",a sob cracked his voice as he also started crying.

This time Yu Yan's heart felt like it was being pulled out of her chest. And unimaginable sorrow came over her.