Doing As I Was Told

I pushed and suffered my way through my two morning classes the next day. I didn't have anything else that I could do. I was miserable and pissed off just because of what had happened yesterday.

In my defense, it really was a lot that had happened. That dreaded bad news from the professor and the asshole at the garage, and even the talk with Dad. It had been so much that I didn't want to think about it or remember it anymore at all. All I wanted to do was get through my day like I did every other day.

After the morning had passed, I had some free time until my one class in the afternoon. That was when I decided that maybe, just maybe, I should try to put what my dad had said into action. Maybe I really should try to get to know some people around the campus. I mean, what could it hurt? If I totally fucked it up and they all ended up hating me, well then, I was graduating in just a few short weeks and then I wouldn't need to ever see any of these people ever again. It wasn't like I had a lot to lose here. Well, except for my dignity.

I don't know why I never really got along with people. I just liked to be by myself and to do what I normally did. It wasn't because I didn't have a mother. It wasn't because my dad took me to his garage all the time. It was just the way that I was. I wasn't a very sociable person, and I didn't really think that was a bad thing. It was just the way that I was.

Still, I would make an effort. If I tried, it would make my dad happy and that would in turn, make me happy. I liked it when my dad was happy. He was the person that mattered the most to me and his happiness meant a lot. It meant more to me than my own happiness.

The school had a decent cafeteria. It wasn't the best, but it served my purposes well. Not to mention, I was able to buy a food plan at the beginning of each school year and it was a lot cheaper than having to pay for it every single day. It was just one more thing that I didn't have to worry about. Even living with my dad, I was able to come here every single day and get something to eat no matter what. Not that we were so strapped for money that we couldn't eat, but still. It was a nice change of pace at times.

Today, I decided to get my food and head over to a large table that had some people already sitting at it. They were some girls that were in my Literature class. I thought that if I was going to branch out and do this, then I was going to do it right.

"Uh..uhm h..hi. Do you mind if I sit here today?" I asked them as they came to a lull in their conversation. The first thing that they did was immediately look around the dining hall and check to see how full it was. The fact that it was mostly empty made it clear that I wasn't asking out of desperation.

"Why?" The girl sitting in the middle of the group of three asked me with a surprised expression on her face. "There are plenty of other places to sit." I do believe this girl was a sophomore. She was one of those bubbly types that loved reading fairy tales in the class. She had bright blonde hair, green eyes and a perpetual tan. She made me think of a barbie doll or something like that.

"Yeah, I know there are a lot more places to sit down. However, I wanted to talk to you." I gave them the best smile that I could muster but feared that it looked more like a grimace instead.

"You've never wanted to talk to us before. We've been at this school for two years and you've always ignored us." The girl on the left, a redhead with pretty hazel eyes commented as she tilted her head. The move made her curls bounce a little bit.

"Well, to be fair, I am a senior, so I have been a couple of grades ahead of you. And until this year, we didn't share any classes together." I wasn't lying. This was the first time that we were in the same class together. However, most of the people in that Literature class were in their freshman and sophomore years. They tended to take this class because it seemed easy and would be a good way to acclimate themselves into college life, or something like that.

"Really? I would have thought you were in the same year as us. I didn't think any girls would pass up the opportunity to take our Lit class in the beginning." The last of the girls, another blonde, only a dark blonde this time, with blue eyes that were sharp and interrogative.

"Well, I have never really been a big fan of things like fairy tales. So, I pushed it off until my last year. That is why I am in there now. I will be graduating when this semester ends." I felt awkward. Trying to explain myself like this was not my idea of fun at all. However, if it worked out for the best later, then I would do it. I would make sure that I gave it my all, for my dad's sake only.

"That is so stupid. I mean, who doesn't like fairy tales? That is just insane. They are classics. They're full of love and romance. Don't tell me that you're against love and romance?" The blonde in the middle snapped at me with a sneer firmly set on her face.

"No, I am not against it at all." I shook my head as I held the sandwich that I had gotten for lunch a little tighter in my hand. These girls were just proving my point about people and it was pissing me off.

"No, I bet she's just against that kind of love and romance. She's probably a lesbian that can't stand that there are men in the fairy tales. Her type of story is probably more along the lines of Snow White and the seven dykes." The second blonde glared at me like she thought I was some sort of pariah or something like that.

"I assure you that is not the case. I just don't think little girls should be taught to wait for a big strong man to fix things for her. Girls are strong enough to take care of themselves. That is all."

"Yeah, whatever, you dyke. Just leave us alone. We're not interested in carpet munching or whatever it is you want from us." The ring leader dismissed me like I was some sort of peasant and that just pissed me off.

I couldn't lose my temper though. I couldn't let it get the best of me. I needed to remain calm as much as possible. If I did lose my cool right here and now, I would probably be arrested for beating the shit out of these three.

"Whatever. You three are clearly morons anyway. And just so you know, even if I was a lesbian, which I certainly am not, you three ugly ass bitches would be safe from me. Bye." I turned and didn't listen to another word they had to say. It didn't matter how much they called after me, I ignored it all.

"Hey. You can sit with me if you want." I heard a man call out to me. His voice was soft yet deep and it made me want to look at him, but I fought that urge. I didn't want to give anyone the satisfaction. I was done with them all. This was the last effort I was going to make.

"Sorry, but I am done being the butt of other people's jokes or the receiving end of their stupidity. So, thanks, but no thanks." I spoke a little more firmly and rudely than I intended as I stormed past the unseen man. I didn't care though. I didn't want to deal with him at all.