The Prince Arrives

I was sitting up in the bed, sipping on the water every few seconds or so, when I heard frantic steps coming toward the room that I was in. I was guessing this was some sort of infirmary. That was something that was common in castles and things like this, right? I didn't know for sure because I wasn't in the habit of reading stories like this at all.

Still, those steps sounded like they were running this way. And they almost sounded angry. Who was it? What was going on? What was happening with them? Was I in trouble? Was I not supposed to be here? Well, if I wasn't supposed to be here, then it's on them. I didn't come to this place of my own volition. They brought me here.

'Just shut up Alex!' I internally snapped at myself. 'You're Cinderella. The prince brought you to the castle. You're supposed to be here. This is where the story needed to take you. It's definitely not like the children's fairy tales that you grew up with, but it's still following the main theme of the story. So just shut up, finish the story, and stop acting so fucking stupid. You will get out of here. You just need to follow the story. Don't do anything to make the prince break off the engagement. Basically, that means don't be yourself at all.'

I was reprimanding myself and giving myself some pointers at the same time. I needed to remind myself of this stuff. If I didn't, I would act like a bitch and ruin things when the prince, a man that I barely knew, asked me to marry him. And if I said something stupid, made him angry and made him rethink his love for Cinderella, I could end up going back to that house.

I shuddered just then. I really didn't want to go back to that life in that house. That house was going to forever be a nightmare for me. Even though I am a strong and independent woman, that house will always scare me. What independence that gives me, huh?

Finally, those steps reached the room that I was in. They stopped at the door, and someone threw it open. I could barely make out who was there. The light was obscuring the person. All I could really see was a really fancy outfit that was done in blues and golds. This had to be the prince, right? That was the only explanation.

"Ashenella!" He called out to me as he ran into the room. The sun no longer reflecting off of his face, I was able to see who it was. And indeed, it was the prince, Jake. He looked a lot more handsome than I remembered. The colors of the fancy clothes looked good on him, and they were cut so that they showed his lean and athletically toned frame. I think that he was truly the first man that I ever felt attracted to. Was that just because of the story? Was this a side effect of me being someone else? Was this Ashenella's attraction to him and not mine? I mean, I wasn't used to feeling this at all.

"P..Prince Jake." I was shocked by his intensity. And the fact that he had run all the way to this room. And that he ran to my side until he skidded to a halt on his knees. He was kneeling next to the bed and staring at me with worried eyes.

"I heard that you had awoken. I had been so worried about you. You were asleep for days with such a high fever." I do vaguely remember feeling like I had a fever.

"I am sorry that I worried you." I was speaking in a formal way, I think. I was just trying to match him and his intensity and way of talking.

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt? Are you OK?"

"I think that I am fine. My only issue is that I am hungry." At that moment, my stomach growled again. This time it was much louder than before.

"Yes. I can see that. I will see to it that you have anything that your heart desires."

"I doubt that." I whispered so low that I knew that he didn't hear me. "I really want a fucking burger and fries."

"What was that?" He looked at me, his head tilted, and his eyes narrowed. I knew that he was confused by what I just said.

"I..I am sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I don't know what came over me."

"Y..yes. You must be exhausted still. If you would like, I will have you moved to your room so that you may eat your meal there. When you are feeling up to it, you can join me in the parlor so that we can discuss what is to happen next."

"What is to happen next?" I asked him, emphasizing the 'is' so that he knew that I was really confused about my situation.

"We will discuss that when you are feeling better. Is that alright?"

"Yes. Of course." Like I had any other choice. I was just going to be the prim and proper little lady that I was supposed to be. I mean, they'd kick me out if I wanted to run around like a wild woman. I could just imagine the looks on the prince's and king's faces. It would be funny though.

"Come now. I will walk you to your room. You are in the hall next to mine. Different halls though, as it would be improper for us to be in the same hall without first being married." Why did he look and sound so sad when he said that? And why did it hurt me when he said that. I mean, it's not like I want to sleep in the same hall with him. Or to even sleep with him. Did I?

Well, even if I did, I was an independent woman from a modern era in my world. There wouldn't have been anything wrong with it if we were still there. And I was twenty-two years old. There was nothing wrong with a woman like me thinking about having sex. Or even having it.

Though, did I want to have sex with this man? I didn't even know him. Or did I?

I had a feeling that I knew him. I just didn't know where I knew him from. Was it from this life as Ashenella? Or was it a memory that I had in my real life that I just couldn't place at the moment. I had a feeling that I saw him often, wherever I remembered him from. I saw him on a regular basis, but I couldn't place where.

"Take my hand, Ashenella. I will make sure that you do not fall as you walk." He took my right hand in his and started to help me stand. I understood why he had said that almost instantly. My body was still weak, and I wavered almost instantly. "Careful now. You don't want to fall now, do you?"

"No, I do not. Thank you for helping me." I clung to his arm without even thinking about it.

"It's my pleasure." And he really did look like it was too.

Prince Jake walked me out of the infirmary and through the halls. At one point, we came to a woman that was scrubbing the windows in a hall.

"You there, go tell Ophie that she is to bring Ashenella's meal to her room. I am escorting her there now."

"Right away, my prince." The woman bowed and ran off at once.

"Must be nice to have people listen to you like that." I admit that I was jealous of it after the life that I had been living lately.

"You will command authority here as well, Ashenella. You are to live here now, and they will do as you tell them."

"Well, I will make requests, but I do not want to demand that they follow my orders." I knew how it felt, personally, to be ordered around like that. And I didn't think that I would be able to do that to these people. I would probably take this experience back into my real life with me. Not that I ever really abused people like that. Well, except for men that got all handsy with me and acted like they were the savior that I didn't ask for. Then I put them in their place.

"Here we are, Ashenella. This is your room. If there is anything that you need, anything at all, just pull the cord at the back of your room." Prince Jake had opened the door and guided me inside the room. The cord he was indicating was clearly meant to summon a servant. "Clothes, food, tea, anything that you could want, just call for assistance. When you are ready to talk to me, just ring for the help and they will bring you to see me." He was smiling as he spoke. There seemed to be no end to the happiness that he was feeling in my presence. It was like that the night of the ball too. He kept smiling so happily. At least he still seemed to like me, even after all of this happened to me.

"Thank you." I nodded at him as there was a knock on my door.

"Hello Miss, I was told to bring this here instead." Ophie had hurried with the food. That was good. I really needed it.

"I will leave you here, Ashenella. Come see me when you are ready." He bowed to me but that was all. He didn't kiss my hand like he did last time, that was odd. Was it because of me or him that he decided against it? And why was I a little sad that he didn't kiss my hand this time?