A Date

What in the ever loving hell had I just sentenced myself to? Alright, I get it. I needed to play along. Blah, blah, blah. I get that. I really do. I knew that I needed to go on these dates with Jake because the story was demanding it, but that didn't mean that I needed to like it.

It wasn't that I didn't think that Jake was a good guy. He was amazing, all things considered. However, I have never, ever, not once in my entire life, been on a date. I wouldn't know what to do.

It was my fault. I know that. I was the one that kept everyone at bay. I was the one that turned down all those assholes that approached me with their 'me man you woman' way of thinking. I was not going to date a caveman that only wanted to get his dick wet. There were millions of those in the world, billions really. And that was all that I had ever come across in my life. Well, the only ones that were interested in me were like that. And that was because I was so unapproachable and just plain odd that most men didn't look twice at me. Not unless they thought that they could fuck me.

Now, though, I was in a fairytale with a prince that was actually a halfway decent guy. OK, OK, he was a really decent guy. And now, my emotionally and romantically illiterate ass was going to make a fool of myself.

"Way to go Alex!" I snapped at myself once I was alone in the bedroom once again. "You are the idiot that has caused all of your own problems. You and you alone." I was reprimanding myself when there was a knock on the door.

"Ashenella?" I heard Gilly's voice call out to me.

"Come in." I hadn't known what had happened to my 'family' in this world. Where was Milly? What happened to my 'father'? What became of the twugly twosome? And what had Gilly been up to? These were things that I didn't know and was actually curious about.

"Hello, Ashenella." Gilly smiled as he came in. He was followed by my story dad.

"Hello sweetheart."

"Hello." I didn't smile in return. I guess I was still bitter about the past.

"I am glad that you are awake. I was worried." Gilly looked at me intently for a second before he lowered his head and concentrated on the floor. "I am sorry. I should have gotten you out of that room sooner. I am sorry that I wasn't able to. I..I was just afraid to act against her. You know what she is like. I only did what she made me do."

"Hahh." I sighed, feeling the anger leave me. "I know. And I do not blame you."

"I am sorry that I didn't notice the abuse either. I thought that she was nice to you as well, Ashenella. I never knew."

"Can you both just call me Ash?" I was getting tired of that long and stupid name.

"Yeah, we can do that."

"Thanks, Gil." I remembered to use the name that he preferred too."

The two of them sat down and started to tell me what happened over the last few days, starting with when the prince showed up. They told me how he handed out punishments to Milly and the twins, how they were living in a side building, and what was going to happen soon. Milly was going to be put to death, not what I expected honestly. And the twins were going to be servants to me, not ideal but actually expected. Things were supposedly 'better' for everyone. Well, all but for those three.

I enjoyed talking to them, but I was glad that it came to an end. I was then able to worry about my date again. I didn't know what was expected of me or what was going to happen. I only knew that I would be riding a horse for the first time in my life. What fun.

At noon the next day, it was finally time for us to leave on that date that I was dreading. I had been put into a dress that was meant for riding. It was actually more of a padded wrap around skirt and shirt combo, but it would work well while I was on a horse. The skirt was technically not sewn all the way shut and instead the sides would spread to allow me to sit on the horse while maintaining my womanly modesty. I would have rather worn a pair of pants, but that wasn't allowed in this book's world. Yay me.

I was also given a long pair of riding boots to wear, and a cropped jacket that I knew was meant for the style and not to keep me warm. That was fine though, considering that it was hot as hell outside and I wouldn't want to wear something that would make me warmer. The long sleeves of the shirt were going to be hell enough. Oh, and I was glad that the 'underwear' in this world was not like the Victorian times that I had learned about in history. There were no bloomers or corsets that were making me miserable at the moment. That was a major plus. I guess I could put up with the things that were forced on me since I didn't need to deal with the others that I would have despised even more.

"Hello there, Ash." Jake smiled at me when I met him at the stables. "I hope you are ready for your riding lesson." He winked at me. I knew that he was just calling it that because it was hiding the fact that we were going on a date. The stablemaster was right there and he probably didn't want to let the staff start gossiping about us.

"Yes. I am quite looking forward to it. Though I must remind you that I have never ridden a horse before." I eyed the horse warily.

"Would you like to ride double with me? Just to let you get a feel for it before we start you on your own horse?" Was that a hopeful look in his eyes? I guess there was some of that piggish man in Jake, even if it wasn't all that prominent. Still, it was a good suggestion. And I was actually considering it. It would make things easier for me. Not to mention that he would think that I was falling for him sooner if I actually did ride with him.

"Yes, I think that might be safest." I tried not to let it show that I was terrified of both scenarios and was only choosing the one that had the most benefits in the long run.

"Wonderful. Allow me to help you up, then I will sit behind you."

Jake held his hand out to me with a smile. The moment that I placed my hand in his, I felt him close his hand around mine and hold on gently, but firmly. He pulled me gently until he had guided me over to the larger of the two horses that had been brought out. This beast was literally a monster of a horse. It was tall, broad, and looked like it could kill me. I was suddenly very afraid.

At that moment, the horse started to move and make some very scary horse noises.

"Try to calm down, Ash. The horse can sense your fear." Jake was speaking soothingly while rubbing my shoulder with his free left hand.

"That is easier said than done." I pointed out before taking a deep breath. I needed to do what he said, but I was not liking this situation.

After several more long, deep breaths, and several minutes of the horse remaining still and silent, I felt myself starting to calm down. The tension left my body, and my heart was returning to a normal beating pattern. I was calm.

"Better." He nodded at me. "Now, let's get you up." I noticed that Jake was acting like there was nothing at all that I could do to make him get annoyed with me. He was patient with me through that whole ordeal.

With Jake's help, I put my left foot into the stirrup and swung my right leg over the saddle. I was in place and holding on the leather of the seat. I was still nervous, but I was doing a good job of hiding it. Thankfully, Jake swung up expertly behind me. He looked so comfortable sitting there behind me. He wasn't worried about the horse at all.

"Alright, Ash, should we get going?" I didn't understand the level of excitement that he had at that moment, but I guess that it really didn't matter.

"Yes. Let's go." Why was I starting to feel excited about this date? Why was his mood affecting me like this? I mean, I certainly wasn't excited to be riding a horse like this. Nope. Not at all.