Into The House

***JAKE'S POV***

I saw Alex ready herself as she prepared to run toward the house. I hadn't known what she planned to do, but that performance was amazing. I would say that she deserved an Oscar for how believable and spot on that acting had been. She was definitely good at acting, that was for sure.

"Please! I'm begging you, please, help me." Her voice sounded like she was genuinely terrified and I knew that there were real tears on her cheeks.

"Calm down, young lady. It is late at night, you know." The woman's voice croaked into the night after she opened the door for Alex. "Come on inside. I will help you."

"Good, she's in the house." I whispered under my breath as I put the spyglass to my face. I had walked while Alex was running and by the time that she was inside of the house, I was back to being at the front of the house. And from where I was, I could see perfectly into that window at the front of the house.