Our Last Night (MATURE)

***ALEX'S POV***

Jake looked a little sad as he got into the bed with me. I knew that he wanted to be with me, he had said so repeatedly. I just think he would have wanted it to be under different circumstances. I didn't have time for it to be under different circumstances though. I had tonight and that was it.

After this night, once the sun came up in the morning, I would be lost to the curse. Unless Jake was able to figure out how to save me once the eternal sleep took me, I would be trapped in this book forever.

I was trying not to think about things too much. Like I didn't want to think about the fact that I would never see my dad again. Or any of the guys at the shop that I considered to be like family to me. I would never graduate from university, and I would never get to live out any of my dreams. I was going to be lost to an eternal darkness and an unending oblivion after this one night.